Wednesday 5 April 2023


"The full form of keyboard is "Keyed Musical Instrument Digital Interface Board". However, in the context of computers, the term keyboard generally refers to the input device consisting of a set of keys used for typing or controlling a computer.""
Here are the names of some common keyboard symbols: Gk&gs
👉! - Exclamation mark
👉" - Quotation mark
👉- Number sign or pound sign
👉$ - Dollar sign
👉% - Percent sign
👉& - Ampersand
👉' - Apostrophe
👉( - Left parenthesis
👉) - Right parenthesis
Asterisk or star
Plus sign
👉, - Comma
Hyphen or dash
👉. - Period or dot
👉/ - Slash or forward slash
👉: - Colon
👉; - Semicolon
👉< - Less than sign
👉= - Equal sign
Greater than sign
👉? - Question mark
👉@ - At sign or commercial at
👉[ - Left square bracket or opening bracket
👉\ - Backslash state&capital list of India
👉] - Right square bracket or closing bracket
👉^ - Caret or circumflex accent
👉_ - Underscore
👉` - Grave accent
👉{ - Left curly brace or opening brace
👉| - Vertical bar or pipe
👉} - Right curly brace or closing brace
👉~ - Tilde

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